Když se řekne A je třeba taky říct B.

Tenhle komentář pod videem řekne o účinnosti zbraní mnohem víc:
"Did some number crunching. If you could fire each of these for 60 seconds non stop using numbers in the video these would be the numbers for each.In 60 seconds:Pulse 50.2% Hull, 143.1% ShieldsBurst 71.5% Hull, 168.9% ShieldsBeam 79.1% Hull, 200% Shields
If we have pulse as stock it would mean:Burst does +42.3% Hull, +18% ShieldsBeam does +57.5% Hull, + 39.7% Shields
Now if we increase the time pulse shoots from 23.9 to 60 seconds. And increase both burst and beam by the same percentage. You'd have this.If pulse can shoot for 60 seconds consecutively then:Burst can for 46.37s = 77.28% time pulse can shoot.Beam can for 32.39 = 53.97% time pulse can shoot.
So:Burst has a 22.72% increase in power drain.
Beam has a 46.03% increase in power drain.
Burst = +42.3% to hull. +18% to shield at 22.72% more power drain.Beam = +57.5% to hull. +39.7% to shields at 46.03% more power drain.
This is just from the numbers from this video. Obviously doesn't show the difference between fixed/gimballed/turreted. I'd guess the damage% between pulse/burst/beam stays the same for all mounts, but the overall damage% is lowered from fixed-turreted. Hope this helps.
CMDR ShaneRoberts010"
Ano pulz skutečně je schopnější pálit kontinuálně to ovšem i jiné lasery tam jde o power distributor, jeho schopnost doplňování energie a odběr zbraní z něj.
A pokud k tomu ještě vezmeš v úvahu turrety a to, že pulzní mají ze všech nejhorší rating tzn že jejich přesnost střelby je ze všech turretu nejhorší v rámci velikosti např 3 mají F burst E a beam D tak ve finále se dostáváme na úplně jiný čísla