I can't find solution for my problem in this FAQ section ...
You must send me detailed informations about your computer, software that you have installed and detailed informations about your problem. HyperLoby generate in to instalation folder the verinfo.txt file that you MUST include in to bugreport...
An example:
Problem: I'am getting "run-time error XX" when ....
Computer manufacturer: home
CPU: Celeron 366 overclocked to 550
RAM: 196 MB
HDD: Western Digital 20GB
VGA: Voodoo 3 3000
OS: Windows 98 SE Slovakish
Games: WWII Fighter, USAF, F-15
HL Version: 2.1.33
Internet Explorer version: 5.1
etc, etc ,...
verinfo.txt file example contens:
Win 9x: 4.10.40A08AE - A
asycfilt.dll 2.40.4277.1
comcat.dll 5.0.1601.1
ctl3dnt.dll No Version Info available!
oleaut32.dll 2.40.4277.1
olepro32.dll 5.0.4277.1
stdole2.tlb 2.40.4277.1
This report you must send in to
Technicall Support Forum . Any emails including a problem report i will ignore.
Na tvoju chybu je v HL tech forum táto odpoved:
Re: Error 10060 timeout
Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2005 9:49 am
Site Admin
Scorp wrote:
I've been graced with this problem for bout half a week now.
I've NEVER had a problem with hyperlobby before.
I've been using hyperlobby for about 2 years now i think.
It seemed to happen right after:
I disabled my network connection while hyperlobby was running
I then reenabled it.
Tried to reconnect to hyperlobby.
Timeout started.
This problem(my case) is not related to my isp.
I've seen posts about this being isp related ,etc...
I've tried all the tricks I know to fix this.
Reinstall of HL, playing with network settings blah blah blah.
I've read all the posts about this problem in these forums.
Is there no fix for this?
Is there some registry setting that might help?
I've being trying the 2 latest versions of hl
win xp pro
roadrunner cable
[b]When you reinstall the HL, you need also reconfigure your firewall to allow HL acces to the internet[/b]